In his dissent on the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage on Friday, Justice Roberts warned that churches could lose their tax-exempt status if they refused to marry a gay couple.
Roberts cited a comment by the United States’ top lawyer on same-sex marriage made months ago on this case the SCOTUS just ruled on.
Supreme Court is doing the will of satan.
Ditto, Hal Shute!
The Supreme Court is overstepping their bounds. Justice Roberts, et al; are not in a position to make laws
Go home, Brandon Lewis. You are anti everything that is good and right. A church wedding only costs as much as you decide to have it played out. You’re just wrong.
Sorry, Phyllis Ann Bartholomew. You’re just an atheist and do not understand. Go home.
Hey Roberts , when you take care of your “government workers” not paying taxes get back with us ~
Federal Employees Owed $3.5 Billion In Back Taxes In 2011: IRS included !!
WASHINGTON — The number of federal workers and retirees who owed delinquent income taxes jumped by nearly 12 percent in 2011, the Internal Revenue Service said Friday.
Nearly 312,000 federal workers and retirees owed more than $3.5 billion in back taxes as of Sept. 30, 2011, the agency said. The year before, about 279,000 workers and retirees owed $3.4 billion.
Overall, the 9.8 million workers included in the data had a delinquency rate of 3.2 percent. That’s better than the general public. The IRS says the delinquency rate for the general public was 8.2 percent.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development had the highest delinquency rate, at 4.4 percent. The Treasury Department, which includes the IRS, had the lowest, at 1.1 percent.
Among independent agencies with more than 1,000 workers, the Government Printing Office had the highest delinquency rate, at 7.6 percent. The National Credit Union Administration had the lowest, at 1 percent.
House employees had a higher delinquency rate than workers for the Senate, but not by much. House workers had a delinquency rate of 3.7 percent, while Senate workers had a delinquency rate of 3.3 percent. Federal court employees had a delinquency rate of 2.7 percent.
Now that is the ANTI CHRIST at his work. Obama.But like do not lose your faith in GOD for he will come.All of thoes that do not belive in me will surly die.
Study the BIBLE for you will come to know me.
Excuse me Brandon Lewis, but you’re just rude and judgemental about something you OBVIOUSLY know nothing about.
And, 114.9billion is a drop in the bucket now days.