The Justice Department is often referred called a non-partisan organization. This week, new evidence has been revealed that makes that characterization even more unbelievable.
The Justice Department already took one major hit this year. After the department refused to indict Hillary Clinton, it became clear that Clinton’s influence as a major Democratic politician played a major role in the decision. It didn’t help that Attorney General Loretta Lynch was caught meeting with Mr. Clinton just days before the announcement.
Now, the organization is under fire once again. This time, they’ve been caught extorting American companies in order to fund left-wing activists. The accusations come from the Government Accountability Institute, an oversight committee formed to research corruption in American Politics.
If you needed more proof that the Department of Justice is yet another left-wing branch of government, here it is.
Read the findings on the next page:
Barry and his cymbal player
Vince R, the democrap troll. A good little Gruber boy.
You all belong in jail!!
So tired of this friggin administration!
Corruption with all Democrats… drain the swamp
Yeah, were the love at?
Troll with no friends.
That criminal$#%&!@* Should be tried for treason and hung from a rope
God, thank you for letting Donald Trump fix the mess that is this country. In Jesus Name. Amen.