“I’m tired of putting up with the federal government and Border Patrol and anybody that thinks they have the right to come onto my ranch and do whatever they want,” states rancher John Ladd of Bisbee, Arizona.
Ladd states that the feds film him on his ranch continually and call him every single day, asking him where he is, what he’s doing and even what truck he’s driving.
Ladd also states that they have threatened to shoot his dogs if they were running loose. “That’s what the mentality is down here, I cannot even let my dogs run wild.” Ladd said. He is forced to keep them locked up in a fence instead of out running free and protecting his land.
In the video, Ladd also accuses the border patrol of cutting his fences and letting his cattle loose, which could make him liable for a lawsuit because the cattle could create a wreck on a nearby highway. “They have no idea what the value of having a fence and a gate is,” Ladd said. “They don’t care.”
The way the border patrol is treating this man, monitoring his every move, I’d say they have something to hide.
Have our president check it out
Did we not all witness the execution of the constitutional patriot rancher Levoy Finicum on a deserted Oregon road . Shot in the face by turncoat Federal and State agents . All for spreading the word of solidarity for our 9th and 10th supreme laws of the land . Executed in front of his children and videoed via Fed drone . How quickly we forget . Land Management is also burning cattle alive . Stealing Land to sell the minerals abroad . Minerals that belong to the people of their own sovereign state .
Amen. Trump needs to be involved. Their not doing this cause of anything good. Someone is hiding something and people’s heads need roll over this. It’s a disgrace when faithful America’s are being harassed by the government for nothing.
You have rights this doesn’t make sense
Harassment for the sake of harassment.
To many think they are above the law.
Hopefully trump will turn the attention to I migrants and planned parenthood and leave this man alone …
Write to Mr Trump tell him what they are doing
Things will change now that Trump is in office.
They should be out catching illegals coming over the border! Do your damned jobs