Hollywood liberals never cease to amaze Americans with their often clueless support for un-Constitutional policies.
Even by the super left-wing standards of Hollywood, actress Julianne Moore has distinguished herself as as an advocate for progressive causes. A firm supporter of abortion and Barack Obama, she recently had a chance to push for a new liberal boondoggle with the president’s wife.
Joining First Lady Michelle Obama at a conference, the Academy Award-nominated star professed her support for gun control. While this likely came as a surprise to very few, her way of explaining it provoked considerable controversy even in the mainstream media.
Like most celebrities who weigh in on constitutional law, Moore is ignorant or at best unfamiliar with the document she cites in order to advance her liberal agenda. I say this because if she were familiar with the Constitution, she would not have declared she, “want[s] to shape the gun industry like the car industry.”
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Just doesn’t get what “Shall not be infringed” means.
Give her skittles and walk in a freezer
Uh.. NO!!
Used to like you acting Julianne, USED TOO !
We must demand first amendment enhanced background checks for weapons of mass deception (WMDs). After-all the first amendment does not say “Shall not be infringed”.
I didn’t know we elected Julian Moore to Congress.
She needs to be regulated.These people that live in fantasy land,have no clue.Real life would scare the hell out of her.
I vote for a regulation on stupid liberals from ever been to speak in public
Lycrusia Jackson and they are so far from REALality. ..they don’t have a clue…..shame on them. I can’t stand to even watch half the movies anymore because of all of them pulling this c**p. They are so much higher up on a pedestal they can’t see below what’s really happening.