While the country is still reeling from Barack Obama’s executive actions on guns last week, at least one Hollywood actress is begging for more.
Julianne Moore reacted to the president’s move by asking state legislatures and congress to further restrict gun ownership, likening the move to the move to make seatbelt usage mandatory.
The link between the two items are weak to say the least, and just further proves how out-of-touch Hollywood is when it comes to guns.
While they think that guns being purchased by law abiding citizens are running rampart on the streets, killing the innocent folks we hear about all too often on the news, the facts show us that the opposite is true. Guns purchased legally defend us against guns obtained criminally.
Meanwhile, while they talk so dismissively of legal gun owners, they do so behind the guns of the security and police working to keep their events safe. How ironic.
To see Julianne Moore’s statements, read on to the next page:
Lets give her all we have, ha ha ha ban the$#%&!@*!!!!!! This is one Moore I hope I am not related to, my grandmother is from Ireland, and her last name is Moore, and then you have a fat slob Michael Moore, what with the stupid liberal Moores
Well, then, screw you, Julianne
never like that liberal$#%&!@*anyway!
Julianne, you Hollywoodites would be among the first to be targeted by muslims, and you would pine away for America back again,and for respect for women and human rights.
The only beautiful star that also keeps up with what is happening in the real world and that was Goldie Hawn!!! She makes you look and sound like a rich ignorant B——
Another Liberal idiot. Hope someone breaks into her home and she’s left without protection !!!!! Of course she can afford around the clock armed guards. Well most Americans can’t, but we do have the right to bear arms and we will protect ourselves. She joins the long list of Hollywood elites who I will never spend a dime on.
I used to like you until this and I found out you are an atheist !!!
Another moon bat !
Here’s an idea. Send her on a vacation to Europe and let her walk down the street in a muslim neighborhood. When she’s being attacked, ask her if she wished she had a gun.
Here she is again. Not surprised.