While the country is still reeling from Barack Obama’s executive actions on guns last week, at least one Hollywood actress is begging for more.
Julianne Moore reacted to the president’s move by asking state legislatures and congress to further restrict gun ownership, likening the move to the move to make seatbelt usage mandatory.
The link between the two items are weak to say the least, and just further proves how out-of-touch Hollywood is when it comes to guns.
While they think that guns being purchased by law abiding citizens are running rampart on the streets, killing the innocent folks we hear about all too often on the news, the facts show us that the opposite is true. Guns purchased legally defend us against guns obtained criminally.
Meanwhile, while they talk so dismissively of legal gun owners, they do so behind the guns of the security and police working to keep their events safe. How ironic.
To see Julianne Moore’s statements, read on to the next page:
this is just more trash..
If she is ever facing down a gun, she’ll do a lot more begging.
Another self entitled celebutard who can afford private security so of course she sees no need to arm yourself. Drink the kool Aid with threst of your kind and leave my 2nd amendment rights alone
Please share… I would like to say that child protective servises is KIDNAPPING CHILDREN nationwide from innocent families for title IV fundings there’s a big government scam within cps called CHILD TRAFFICKING. The children that are truly abuse are being left in the home to be abused but because these children are abused they are not adoptable. You the tax payers are footing the bill and being FOOLED by family courts, court appointed lawyers and CPS, your hard working tax money is being spent for fraud. Every day that a child is being removed and NOT place with families in some states because title IV 4 funding dose not cover families taking care of there own and by saying that CPS losing money. Out of 100 children there’s only 10 or 15% that are truly abused. Every innocent family that’s torn apart and put on a “service plan” is a set up to fail scam, because all providers that child protective services
use such as therapist, psychological doctors, and such are PAID for and own by CPS. Most Judges, Gal’s and CPS court appointed lawyers and even governors all have control and a hand in the pot of money from you the TAX payers. My grandson Malakai Deese was kidnapped by CPS with NO proof of abuse what so ever. I’m Kimberly Deese Malakai’s grandmother , There were many laws broken and violations and constitutional rights that were seriously violated in my daughters case, by her court appointed laywer and CPs,Gal and the Judge. The the new kinship law that was passed Oct. 1, 2015 in NC was violated from me receiving a home study to get my grandchild , but the very worse part was my grandson DID get abused but not from his mother but in the foster home with Carla Jones and her husband by withholding food from my grandson were his body was eating away at my grandsons leg muscles and now wears leg braces. My grandson Malakai was once a VERY healthy thriving and happy little boy. The foster home has creating a disability to receive extra monies SSI check from the Social Security Administration ( failure to thrive ) Now the fosters want to adopt my grandson so they will get yet another check from cps till he gets of age.
This people is not about the love of children It’s all about the love of MONEY $$$$$. PS I’m not saying that all fosters are bad, there are some good ones that TRULY don’t know the real truth as to why the child/ children were taken, but CPS will all ways LIE to cover themselves of the fraud legal criminal acts they are doing in the child trafficing market. KIDS FOR CASH.
Please feel free to share.
Kimberly Kay Deese
PLEASE SHARE : These CRIMINALS are responsible for stealing, child trafficing and abusing my two grandsons Zacy Hill and Malakai Deese July 2014 , Fosters, Carla Jones and her husband starved and abused my grandson, Raleigh NC wake county CPS director Lisa Cauley, unlicenced case worker LeeAnn Watson, supervisor Tisha Harper , the court judge and the Lazy worthless DETECTIVE that did not do a FULL investigation that received his schooling at Walmart. Urika Hill my daughters mother in law that’s racists and LIED and retaliated against my daughter for putting her abusive son in jail for domestic violence. My daughter Heather Hill was and is 100% innocent. CPS IS A ADOPTION MILL IN RALEIGH WAKE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA. THIS HAS HAPPEN TO SO MANY INNOCENT FAMILIES.
A rich socialist who’s out of touch with her fans who some live in rough places where crime thrives!
There are several that do not agree with Obama on anything, much less gun control: Clint Eastwood, Jon Voight, Steven Segal, James Wood, Kurt Russell, Tom Selleck, Brad Pitt, Angie Pitt, Johnny Depp, Bruce Willis, Chuck Norris, Gary Sinise, Adam Baldwin, Kevin Sorbo, R. Lee Ermey, Dan Bilzerian, Dean Cain, Eric Clapton, Ice-T and so many more.
A rich socialist who’s out of touch with her fans where many live in rough places where crime thrives!
Says the ginger that was HEAVILY protected by HEAVILY armed soldiers and cops, at the Golden Globes the other night…HYPOCRITE!!!
looks are good but the brain is week !
Shut up moron……