Actress Julianne Moore is yet another artiste with strong, liberal opinions on subjects that she knows nothing about. She repeats the talking points lefty organizations give her (though she seems to confuse the details from one interview to another), and at the end of the day, her logic fails and it is clear that she is just another actress who pretends for a living.
Since she is a Hollywood celebrity, you can already guess that she is anti-gun, or as the Left dishonestly states, she is for “common-sense gun control.” For progressive celebrities and politicians, that means gun confiscation from ordinary citizens, but not from the armed security details that protect them during their every waking moment. The hypocrisy is stunning, but these folks never even see it!
See more on Julieanne on page 2:
Stupid and ignorant, what a combination.
Just stick to your script and let the grown-ups handle the situation
Actually believe it or not she is right, a gun just as car a knife a screwdriver are all tools. And if their tools then they can be used the right way and a wrong way. It is the person handling that tool that is responsible or how they use it not the tool itself. So that shoots down get rid of the guns cuz it’s their fault. No it’s a tool and it’s the person who’s using that tool who’s at fault. They can’t have it well at least they are trying anyway both ways either the gun is a tool and it is the responsibility of the person who is handling that tool or it’s not a tool and therefore the right to have one can’t be abridged.
She sounds just like Obama when his TelePrompTer went blank!
Another half wit.
Julianne Moore is a machine controlled by liberism.
Such an idiot actress!
You really can’t fix
Just another useless idiot.
No, we get our rights from our Creator. The Constitution grants limited and enumerated rights to the Federal government.