Actress Julianne Moore is yet another artiste with strong, liberal opinions on subjects that she knows nothing about. She repeats the talking points lefty organizations give her (though she seems to confuse the details from one interview to another), and at the end of the day, her logic fails and it is clear that she is just another actress who pretends for a living.
Since she is a Hollywood celebrity, you can already guess that she is anti-gun, or as the Left dishonestly states, she is for “common-sense gun control.” For progressive celebrities and politicians, that means gun confiscation from ordinary citizens, but not from the armed security details that protect them during their every waking moment. The hypocrisy is stunning, but these folks never even see it!
See more on Julieanne on page 2:
A gun “is a machine?” What foolishness! It’s a TOOL! One without the ability to operate apart from human intervention. What an idiot this person is!
Total disrespect
It is a tool!
How incredibly stupid on all counts.
Gee, maybe she should take a course on the Constitution so she will know what she is talking about. These idiots just make it up as they go along.
Another celeb no nothing dumb s**t
Oh yes it is!!!!!!
So is a car
Rehashing two year stories huh? Running out of b******t?