Liberals such as Moore use the Constitution like toilet paper, they do not have any sense of the importance and the clear direction of the document, but think it can be bent and twisted to conform to their personal agenda. She also compared stricter gun control laws to the seat belt laws that were mandated some years ago. She claims she accepts the 2nd amendment and is not for doing away with guns. She does not understand the game plan of those she is supporting.
The real problem is that although Ms. Moore has no particular expertise in the issue, she has a gigantic megaphone because of her public stature, and the Hollywood-mesmerized public gives her much more credence than is logically due. What is true is this. The behind-the-scenes promoters of gun control are really for gun confiscation. Empty-headed starlets like Julieanne Moore may be sincere in their desire to simply have “stricter background checks,” but that is nothing more than a prelude to government registration, control, and confiscation. It is what governments do when they can, especially when the public is restive and angry as the U.S. population is today. Julieanne seems to be an attractive, somewhat older actress, and she may be very good at her craft. She should stick to that and stop listening to conman Michael Bloomberg and his phony “public interest,” tax-free organization. Or perhaps she could play the role of a young mother raped and killed in her home one night by an armed burglar who encounters no resistance by the unarmed, defenseless mother. I wonder if that would be a role that she could really get in to?
Her comment about guns being as highly regulated as cars is interesting. As much as cars are regulated, they still cause more deaths annually than guns do.
Another hypocrite that uses weapons in movies to kill people! Shut up, tired of these Hollywood flunkies!
learn to read
Kind of like a laptop is just a tool! as well. If the government put 35,000 laws on the books restricting the 1st Amendment you wouldn’t be allowed to use a piece of chalk to write with!
Wrong Again.
Bull$#%&!@* The 2 amendment is there for a good reason and it stands
Regulated like cars?….why do we need any vehicle that will go faster than 65 Mph.? Our roads are crowded with vehicle that can approach 200 mph. Liberals would go crazy if their precious toys were banned for their own safety