Judicial Watch continues its efforts to uncover the truth about the extent to which both the FBI and the Obama Justice Department went in order to shield Hillary Clinton from being indicted on charges of using an unsecured email server during her tenure as Secretary of State, thereby exposing national secrets to the prying eyes of dangerous players in the world at large.
It has been uncovered by Judicial Watch that FBI Special Agent E.W. Priestap, the supervisor of the agency’s investigation into Clinton’s email activities, stated that she was, in fact, the subject of a grand jury investigation related to her BlackBerry email accounts!
The current lawsuit by the consumer watchdog, Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Rex Tillerson (No. 1:15-cv-00785) has forced the FBI supervisor to release the above statement. This case before the courts seeks to have Trump’s Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson take steps to recover the emails of Clinton and other U.S. Department of State employees that definitively show her direct violation of federal law in reference to personal email usage.
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Grand juries don’t investigate, they listen to witnesses, evaluate evidence presented by federal prosecutors and determine whether to indict or not. Grand juries are made up of citizens just like any other jury. And Brenda Bender, you have the mentality of a nano sized soap dish!
The defense of every kindergarten age child: but little Johnny did it too.
There is nowhere for the people involved to hide, and no one that can hide the Truth… we Demand Justice, And will Get Justice.
That’s the republicans way f**e patriots f**e religious plastic f**e people
There is NOTHING normal or healthy about this administration. Everything that’s been done since January has only been for the benefit of big business and the 1%. The administration doesn’t give a fig about us middle and lower class people.
Nothing , Not a dame thing will be done about anything the Clintons have done. Sexual Misconduct on Bill CLINTON ALONE IN the White House was excepted. The list is way to long. Nothing will ever happen to either one of them. Shady, shady,shady people.
The difference is hillary tried to hide it…knowingly sent and recieved classified info…proven….destroyed 30 thousand e mails under subpoena. …proven….staff destoyed phones…..big difference….anything else snowflake?
She needs to be llocked up
You people are so delusional and brainwashed,everything Trump has done is for America. I wish a lot of you who voted for HILLARY could go somewhere and live under her Presidency,but you are so delusional you’d probably like it.
Nothing will happen no matterwhat is found and released.