Judicial Watch continues its efforts to uncover the truth about the extent to which both the FBI and the Obama Justice Department went in order to shield Hillary Clinton from being indicted on charges of using an unsecured email server during her tenure as Secretary of State, thereby exposing national secrets to the prying eyes of dangerous players in the world at large.
It has been uncovered by Judicial Watch that FBI Special Agent E.W. Priestap, the supervisor of the agency’s investigation into Clinton’s email activities, stated that she was, in fact, the subject of a grand jury investigation related to her BlackBerry email accounts!
The current lawsuit by the consumer watchdog, Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Rex Tillerson (No. 1:15-cv-00785) has forced the FBI supervisor to release the above statement. This case before the courts seeks to have Trump’s Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson take steps to recover the emails of Clinton and other U.S. Department of State employees that definitively show her direct violation of federal law in reference to personal email usage.
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F**k Hillary….just imagine how many people are involved in this corruption of America! Let that sink in for a few!
Lock her up as well at that traitor John Kerry
Yes let’s pursue the real criminals and leave our president alone
Good, death to the$#%&!@*
Ohh look ohhh look!!! A leak!!
But, but, but democrats are “nice” people?!?!
More hidden corruption
Book her
I am almost afraid of what they continue to uncover about Hillary and obama’s administration. How deep does this corruption go.. how many of our elected officials are involved. FBI, CIA, HSA, ARE THEY PART OF THE CONSPIRACY. Was the,previous attorney generals involved? We the people deserve to know the truth!
I read an article yesterday on FB that there is some truth about the human trafficking of young children and 44% of Congress is involved and making millions of $$. It is a global organization many are part of. I think this corruption goes much deeper than we can fathom. No wonder the politicians are attacking Trump and his supporters…. They are running scared. The hammer is coming down. Investigations everywhere and on many people in government. Trump probably found out about some of it just before he ran for President. I am so glad he won!!
Lock her up