Judicial Watch continues its efforts to uncover the truth about the extent to which both the FBI and the Obama Justice Department went in order to shield Hillary Clinton from being indicted on charges of using an unsecured email server during her tenure as Secretary of State, thereby exposing national secrets to the prying eyes of dangerous players in the world at large.
It has been uncovered by Judicial Watch that FBI Special Agent E.W. Priestap, the supervisor of the agency’s investigation into Clinton’s email activities, stated that she was, in fact, the subject of a grand jury investigation related to her BlackBerry email accounts!
The current lawsuit by the consumer watchdog, Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Rex Tillerson (No. 1:15-cv-00785) has forced the FBI supervisor to release the above statement. This case before the courts seeks to have Trump’s Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson take steps to recover the emails of Clinton and other U.S. Department of State employees that definitively show her direct violation of federal law in reference to personal email usage.
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Keep digging…you will soon hit pay dirt..
Hopefully Hillary will pay for crimes and stealing soon.
Put Hillary and Bill in jail.
Why is it taking so long to get the rest of the evidence needed to send her to prison.
If Kerry the coward and the FBI don’t want to cooperate get them all for contempt of congress and throw their asses in prison until they give their full cooperation
The Obama administration was and still are corrupt liars.
That’s why it’s been so tough for president Trump. Because the Democraps new when he started that the whole corrupt political world would explode.and it is.the sad part is all the liberals out there believe in the Democratic party and they are to blind and to stupid to realize that they were being raped and pilfered just like the rest of us.it is amazing people keep asking why it takes so long.this witch has a lot of very powerful friends in very high courts.that she probably owns.through child porn or other corrupt dealings her and her rapist husband did.the person that needs to be in prison besides her and ovomit is soros he’s causing it all.
It should not say was. It should say “still is.”
Comey and Lynch should both be indicted.
Can we not get her now because she is guilty and needs jail time!!!