The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the Obama administration can force the nuns of the Little Sisters of the Poor in Denver, Colorado to pay for abortion-causing drugs.
Obamacare forces employers to cover things such as contraceptives, which includes abortion-causing drugs. There is an exception to this for churches, but groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor must comply.
Keep fighting this diseAse called potus
But Only The Muslim President Can Reject HIS Beliefs
Stand by your beliefs Sisters! No matter what! This is a test!
Do you think the Catholic church may be rethinking its long time liberalism?
This is bullsh*t. Down with Obama and his entire administration.
um no theyy can’t!
Obama is the most ungodly president I have ever Seen to let this happen it’s time to stop this criminal bs and get rid of Obama care now
Don’t worry. God will prevail in the end.
Screw Obama