The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the Obama administration can force the nuns of the Little Sisters of the Poor in Denver, Colorado to pay for abortion-causing drugs.
Obamacare forces employers to cover things such as contraceptives, which includes abortion-causing drugs. There is an exception to this for churches, but groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor must comply.
He will never change them. They know evil and have God.
No-one can make you go against your beliefs
The bad thing is we let this happen. We should have demanded he never take office after we found out the election was cheated.
Obama cannot make us give up or go against our religious beliefs, God is the one that is in charge and the only one we have to listen to and follow.
Then again we should have demanded the same when we found out he was not born to the United States.
Ladies your fighting the Devil, he doesn’t care about Christians! Which just means one thing, “God will be taking us home soon Hallelujah!”
if u like this vote Democrat.
Stand America, God is watching.
He would.
Most people are blind and deaf to what is going on. They are mesmerized by the current smoke screens.