The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the Obama administration can force the nuns of the Little Sisters of the Poor in Denver, Colorado to pay for abortion-causing drugs.
Obamacare forces employers to cover things such as contraceptives, which includes abortion-causing drugs. There is an exception to this for churches, but groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor must comply.
When they start being forced to do anything or threatened with jail, its time to march.
Sorry judges you can not force anyone to violate there beliefs.
You only ans to GOD.
If you want to live where ignorance and bigotry is allowed move.
Obama wants this to be a Muslim Nation. He has waged war against the United States and most of us sit back and let it happen. When did we become a nation of pansies?
Obama cannot force anyone to violate their religious beliefs.
where’s the separation of church and state
Jesus Christ is my lord and savior and I answer only to him. My lord has my back and I have my lords back.
You are right but just in the past weeks Obama has stepped all over the cons$#%&!@*ution. He does not follow our laws and has continuously altered them.
America must fight back. The enemies are going to take us down one at a time. WE must ban together and hit them with everything we can. WE must stand up for the rights of these NUNS. Because, we lose our Rights next.