The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the Obama administration can force the nuns of the Little Sisters of the Poor in Denver, Colorado to pay for abortion-causing drugs.
Obamacare forces employers to cover things such as contraceptives, which includes abortion-causing drugs. There is an exception to this for churches, but groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor must comply.
BS!!! Obama we will not change as you see fit!!!
um no stand up against the devil
Obama’s days are numbered… and these days p$#%&!@* swiftly… Stand firm in your belief… God is Forever! This man is temporary.
God Will Triumph Have Mercy Amen JMJ
Truth be known, Obama can’t “make” these Nuns do anything.
Keep your beleaf an fight for it! We r not bad or wrong! GODs bible words are coming true! So keep your faith let God feel you r right beside him you feel the sameway!!! He will protect us ALL!
Even the Fuhrer will answer to God !
No he can’t. You can put a bullet in someones head for thier beliefs but you cannot change them. There is no such thing as forced to do something against your beliefs. If you are a pansy and do what you are told because you will lose your home, car, job, or family then yes I suppose you can be forced. Why do we think so many people are flocking to the muslims….because people are desperate for a real system of belief that they can willingly die for. It is at the top of Maslows’ Heirarchy of need for a very good reason. Air, food/water, shelter, social interaction, spiritual realization/actualization. This is in every medical handbook written from CNA to Masters Degree, but apparently the government doesn’t know it.
Sad when you see Nuns holding signs!
No way!