A federal judge has ruled on an aspect of Operation Fast and Furious, a gun running scheme that allowed and supported thousands of weapons being sent across the border into Mexico. It appears to be a program developed and administered by the Obama administration, an ironic twist given the president’s strong anti-gun posture, especially in recent weeks. The program was denounced in part because some of the weapons were used against U.S. border patrol agents in which some deaths resulted. Weapons are difficult to access in Mexico, so the program seemed especially cynical and improper.
The program was seen as so corrupt and even illegal that the House of Representatives demanded that the records be turned over detailing the program. Attorney General Eric Holder refused that request and was held in contempt by Congress for that failure. As with so many aspects of wrongdoing in the Obama administration, no penalty was enacted for that demonstration of obstruction of justice. Now a new aspect of the case is being played out, this time by President Obama, and it is truly mind boggling.
Court rejects Obama executive privilege assertion, page 2:
God speed.
If HILLARY becomes president our countrys in serious trouble
Eric Holder still has time to confess to his involvement. If he does the Obama can pardon him on the way out. He is going to pardon Hillary if the c**p hits the fan before the election.
both of them JAIL TIME !!!
Take them down Judge.
she wouldn’t stay in there long
The immigrants always make sure we Gay’s have plenty of Crystal Meth and Heroin for all of our California Gay Pride Events. It’s probably why Eric Holder and Hillary Clinton sent the drug cartels all the assault weapons with the excuse they were using the weapons to track them. Hundreds of civilian women and children were murdered including two US border agents. This forced a mass migration of illegal’s fleeing the Mexican Drug Cartels.
lock these two up for corraborating with the enemy?
Hmm….. I’m worried for my children and grandchildren