A federal judge has ruled on an aspect of Operation Fast and Furious, a gun running scheme that allowed and supported thousands of weapons being sent across the border into Mexico. It appears to be a program developed and administered by the Obama administration, an ironic twist given the president’s strong anti-gun posture, especially in recent weeks. The program was denounced in part because some of the weapons were used against U.S. border patrol agents in which some deaths resulted. Weapons are difficult to access in Mexico, so the program seemed especially cynical and improper.
The program was seen as so corrupt and even illegal that the House of Representatives demanded that the records be turned over detailing the program. Attorney General Eric Holder refused that request and was held in contempt by Congress for that failure. As with so many aspects of wrongdoing in the Obama administration, no penalty was enacted for that demonstration of obstruction of justice. Now a new aspect of the case is being played out, this time by President Obama, and it is truly mind boggling.
Court rejects Obama executive privilege assertion, page 2:
Fast and Furious guns were found in the possession of drug cartel .. Gee, go fugure
Hes trying to take our wepons and send them to the cartels and isis. We as a people need to get him out of the white house and into a jail cell!
Praise God am honest judge. I thought they had all been bought off by this fraud thug!
put them bothin jail
obama is a$#%&!@*
Obama the Muslim helpig ISIS and the mexican cartels. go figure Democratic voters are to stupid to understand what is going on and how bad it really is with Radical Islam & Democrats dream of one world order under Democratic Control of Islam & their nation of islam aka chicago
The Obama administrtion just keeps getting by with their illegal activity because congress and the judical keep lettind then break the law. Our entire system is guilty od corruption.
Shame they didnt strike him down too