A federal judge has ruled on an aspect of Operation Fast and Furious, a gun running scheme that allowed and supported thousands of weapons being sent across the border into Mexico. It appears to be a program developed and administered by the Obama administration, an ironic twist given the president’s strong anti-gun posture, especially in recent weeks. The program was denounced in part because some of the weapons were used against U.S. border patrol agents in which some deaths resulted. Weapons are difficult to access in Mexico, so the program seemed especially cynical and improper.
The program was seen as so corrupt and even illegal that the House of Representatives demanded that the records be turned over detailing the program. Attorney General Eric Holder refused that request and was held in contempt by Congress for that failure. As with so many aspects of wrongdoing in the Obama administration, no penalty was enacted for that demonstration of obstruction of justice. Now a new aspect of the case is being played out, this time by President Obama, and it is truly mind boggling.
Court rejects Obama executive privilege assertion, page 2:
he is a trader in chefe the gun run alone should get him kicked out of office
i don’t know why the court system can not get ahold of these criminals just because they serve in an office… mr. O., Hillary come to mind and yet they are our Pres., and running for Pres.. and yet., we condemn the other countries for having leaders that should be ousted … we have the same problem right here in the uSA and we do nothing to portect our land , our freedoms of constitution., we let these corrupt leaders continue to bash our great nation.. why? are the judges afraid ? have they been threatened. we the people will stand behind the system to oust these people and not let murderers run for office.. our Gov. that was set up by great men of the past, would be turned over in their grave in shame for what many in office have done to our nation.
Obama furious says He’s above the Law and WIPR GOP AGREES OR HIDES
His Presidential Library should be located in a Federal prison. A symbol of his Legacy !!
All you Fast & Furious fans. First, do you even know the purpose of Fast & Furious? Second, Bush had Operation Wide Receiver which was similar to Fast & Furious. Of the 474 guns allowed to “walk” into Mexico during Wide Receiver, only 64 were ever recovered.
My Rant about Republican Big Wigs Back Stabbing Trump. – Today the two icons of Conservative Talk Radio” Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage made the same point about the latest issue of National Review, devoted entirely to destroying Donald Trump. Limbaugh and Savage opined that for a long time the number one objective of elected Republicans is to retain their power at all costs. In other words they were willing to sell out the voter who put them in office in favor of the donor that funded their campaign. Both the Politicians and the donors are a disgrace to all Americans for selling out the public in favor of power and profit. What this issue of National Review showed, was the depth of the corruption in the Republican Party, reaching to the very foundation of conservatism. William Buckley said the Republicans should nominate the Republican candidate who had the “best chance to win”. Clearly Trump is that candidate, and clearly National Review did not allow anyone to present Trumps side of the issues. Twenty Two anti-Trump opinions and zero pro-Trump opinions.
Oh he’s transparent all right:we can see right through him.