In a passionate dressing down of the president, the Fox News host blasted Obama’s continued push for gun control in the face of not only mass shootings, but devastating terrorist attacks both within and without America.
Judge Pirro commented on how although he had a whole battle plan drawn up for new measures meant to limit gun owners’ rights, the president still has no serious strategy to defeat the Islamic State.
She also explained that the fact that Obama couldn’t even bring himself to believe that ISIS was anything more than a “JV team” shortly before it rampaged across Syria and Iraq even as he eagerly jumped on any and every mass shooting that occurred during his watch to push his agenda reveals the depths of his anti-gun tunnel vision.
Turn to the next page for video:
If Obama was Muslim gas would be 10 dollars a gallon.
I’ve been buying guns for 30 years. I’ve heard all of the fear mongering. Nobody is coming for your guns. Period.
The real reason you don’t like Obama is because he’s black but you can’t admitt that so you rationalize your bigotry with nonsense chriticism.
I agree, he seems to thinl if the law biding citizens are disarmed, then all shootings will stop, he needs to disarm his buddies with isis
I was calling it the “shithouse”
America, wake up! >> http://www.yesimright.com/germany-proves-trump-is-right-will-close-its-borders-to-muslims-wow/
Make the punishment match the crime. If they shot their victim, shoot them. If they beheaded their victim, behead them. Etc. etc.
Just wait, he will if he feels the need! He is going after the wrong people.
David drinks lots of koolaid
Background checks are required for online firearm purchase, gun show firearm purchase, and in store purchases. The only check that doesn’t have to happen is private individual, to private individual. Criminal theft can’t be regulated so I guess the criminal has more rights than I do