“If you see something, say something,” is what Americans were told after 9/11. Yet the liberal left screams, “Wrong!” charging that this racial is profiling. Islam is not a race, therefore, it cannot be “racial profiling”, yet people are afraid to report because of the threat of repercussions that may follow for being what the left says is politically incorrect.
The neighbors of Syed Farook thought something was wrong with Farook and his wife, yet because of political correctness they chose not to say anything. Even though they saw men carrying boxes in the middle of the night into the garage, they were shut up due to fear.
“This is a rational response,” Jim Hanson, Executive Vice President for the Center for Security Police, told Justice Janine on Fox News, “because of the campaign put on the by the groups like CAIR.” Farook’s neighbors did not want to be called an “Islamaphobe”.
CAIR and other Muslim Brotherhood front groups have shut people up and want the statement to read, “See something, say nothing”.
Watch the interview on the following page. Judge Pirro and Jim Hanson discuss how Texas is dealing with the coercive practices of the politically correct enforcers in light of the Clock Boy incident, who is suing the City of Irving and Irving School District
for $15 million.
Who cries about PC
I only say Truth And Action from GlobalPost
Theres going to be a big change in America so get ready Trump is comeing to the White House!!!
More like if you see something shoot it.
Did you not watch the debate the other night ?
Angel I sure did the WHOLE THING.. Why?
So you saw where he didn’t know what the nuclear triad was and you feel ok with a president who doesn’t?
I’m sure he knows…
He does now since it had to be explained to him infront of millions. That was humiliating and begs the question, “what else doesn’t he know?”