Despite Hillary Clinton’s endless scandals and campaign flubs, the “coronation of Hillary” is coasting to the convention on fumes with just enough delegates to secure the nomination.
If nearly losing to the geriatric Marxist named Bernie Sanders isn’t embarrassing enough, it looks as if Hillary has at least one more scandal inbound before the convention.
At the beginning of the primary season, the general public was treated to the “final release” of Hillary’s privately held emails. With that, Hillary likely thought she had dodged a bullet. None of her emails proved deadly to her campaign, and she had apparently hidden others well enough to pull the wool over the eyes of the FBI.
Unfortunately for Clinton, those extra emails have been found, and thanks to a judge’s order, they may kill any momentum she hoped to gain from her nominating convention.
See what the judge ordered on the next page:
They should have been released a long time ago.
Nothing will happen.
Hillary is a liar and a known criminal
The people in charge need to do something, talk is cheap, actions speak louder than words.
prison for Obama, Clintons and their minions
it’s the Clinton secrecy the back door deals the lies I hope when Trump takes office the Clinton will no more be the Camelot family
She is protected by President Nonsense
How about having email server itself the existence of the secondary email server itself it is a protocol you have broken protocol you put security of the United States in jeopardy I have a second computer no if ands buts about it f*** you and what’s on there you f***** up by having the actual second computer traitors traitors the whole lot of you traitors
no one will charge hillary for her crimes. she is protected by obama and his muslims because they are guilty of crimes along with hillary
For the life of me I can’t understand why the DNC is allowing her to remain in the race with all the scandals surronding her sorry lying$#%&!@* It just shows how crooked politics are these days. Nixon did far less then Oasswipe or killary but even so he at least had the dignity to resign. What is wrong with people today? I guess it is OK to lie, steal and be responsible for deaths of 4 Americans in Benghazi and to treat veterans and home;ess Americans far worse then illegals. This country is going downhill because of then likes of Oasswipe and killary.