It looks like at least one person in our judicial system remembers that they serve the people, not the government.
Ruling in favor of North Carolina convenience store owner Lyndon McLellan, US District Judge James Fox said that the government is to cover the full cost of the legal fees and expenses he accrued defending himself in court. The amount to be paid is estimated to come in at over $20,000.
McLellan’s legal problems arose in May of 2014 when the IRS raided his bank account and seized $107,700 from it. Shortly after taking McLellan’s money however, the government ceased all action against McLellan on account of Justice Department policy changes and returned the money to him.
During the period the IRS was holding his money, McLellan prepared to sue the government only to find himself saddled with a considerable bill after his case was suddenly dropped. Feeling that he shouldn’t have to pay for the government’s mistake, he filed suit.
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How about some good, old-fashioned police work? This took a long time. Good for the Victim!
The decision chain should be liable.
Been to traffic court?
Structuring. So the government can seize your money because they don’t like the way you conduct your banking business. I work for a bank, and the government requires the bank to report anything that they find suspicious. The bank is forced to do the job of the police. It’s overreach pure and simple.
Reason why irs needs to be crushed and destroyed for good
I’m glad he won, but the$#%&!@*part is all that money awarded to him is coming off the backs of us tax payers, the douchebags that caused this should be forced to pay from their own savings, then be fired for misuse of public funds
Zeb is just a willful ignorant slave, he has no spine to stand against tyrants so he belittles others for what he lacks.
F**k the fed!! They are the biggest crooks in this country and people have been blind to it for years!! Give the states back their power, and shrink the fed!!
Government abuse of power. Finally a judge gives the government a smack down
They should pay punitive damages to this man. They took his money, held it without cause and had to be sued to return it. We cannot allow a gestapo state!