In a recently surfaced video, one of the architects of Obamacare, Jonathan Gruber, admitted that the act was vaguely written in order to get it passed because “the stupidity of the American voter” would have killed the legislation had it been written in a clear manner.
Due to this vagueness, the entire Affordable Healthcare Act could be thrown out.
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please, please let it be thrown out
lisahawks says:
“then why does my sister have to pay $500 a month if the premiums have been lowered?”
it WILL be voted down or elimated
Jonathan Gruber has admitted what most Americans with any common sense already knew. We knew why Nancy Pelosi commented in 2010 that “we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of controversy”, and we knew why Democrats were in such a rush to pass the Affordable Care Act. We also knew why the misnamed Affordable Care Act was nothing but a Democrat sham perpetrated by an administration hell bent upon deceptive measures to hide the facts from voters and impose a redistribution of wealth in the form of health care taxation.
What common sense Americans did not know until the latest disclosure about the Affordable Care Act was the extent Obama’s unscrupulous Democrat Administration distorted and hid the facts of the ACA so they could deceive voters and force this Obamacare abomination upon us.
Midterm elections have confirmed that we Americans are not as stupid as Jonathan Gruber and Democrats think and the truth is coming home to roost at the doorstep of President Obama and his entire roster of Democrat supporters who have perpetrated this shameful deceit upon the America people.
One question remains. Who are the corrupt individuals in Obama’s Democrat Administration that authorized Jonathan Gruber and the other architects of the ACA to carry out such a horrendous health care scam upon righteous, hard working Americans who expect, nay demand, nothing but truth and transparency from our lawmakers? We know Jonathan Gruber had a meeting with President Obama and that Obama would want to control his namesake legislation. Was the self-proclaimed, most transparent Obama the unscrupulous tyrant who authorized the ACA scam?
Now Obama knows why Americans voted overwhelmingly for Republicans and now it will be the task of the newly elected Republican majority to restore faith in our government, get to the bottom of Obama Administration scandals, repeal and replace Obamacare, and hold these corrupt lawmakers accountable.
kinda agree…..anyone that voted for him obviously wasnt very informed or chose not to be…..
Oh, they (democrats) will figure out some way to prop this deadbeat law up. It’s not over, until fully repealed.
The American people didn’t do it the courts did. Blame them.
Obamacare can’t “collapse” as long as Obama can change the law at will and finance its losses with taxpayer dollars. I don’t blame the voters, I blame the Democrats for lying through their teeth – you can keep your plan and doctor, you’ll save $2,500, there are no “death panels” in it and you’ll have better coverage. All lies spread by Democrats!!!!