“If this phrase, this admission, by this professor gets in front of the Supreme Court, ObamaCare loses,” Judge Napolitano said.
Because Obamacare was intentionally written with a lack of transparency on the issue of taxes alone, then the administration and the drafters knowingly deceived the Congressional Budget Office, Congress and the average American voter, therefore the entire act could get thrown out.
The Not-Affordable-At-All Healthcare Act goes before the Supreme Court in the spring…how about a summertime march before the Supreme Court building next year?
Pushing this under the color of law himself, he should have to repay all the money out of his own pocket him self!
What bothers me the most is this, He admits that”“This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes,” Gruber said. “If you had a law that made explicit that healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed.”
Well look who wrote the damn act up , to begin with.