According to Judge Napolitano, ‘Obama could decimate ISIS tomorrow’ and completely legally, under the War Powers Resolution of 1973, which states that the president can dispatch troops anywhere in the world for 90 days for military hostilities.
The president only needs to give Congress notice, along with a few requirements, to get this situation handled. The president can add another 90 days if he wishes for a total of 6 months of military action, sufficient time to wipe out ISIS.
Of course, Obama hasn’t completely opened our borders for terrorists, which was planned for in advance, given vast arms and money and, lately, Toyota trucks to terrorists for nothing.
He wants them to flourish, being a terrorist himself and politicians, sheriffs and judges are finally calling him out.
Obama is attempting to destroy America in order to create a communist state out of the rubble. He is preparing for this event by militarizing law enforcement and federal agencies, weakening our military, and building up a police state.
According to that resolution, the president must only give Congress notice, and, with a few additional requirements, the president can add another 90 days, giving him a total 180 days he can pursue U.S. military action on his own, without the consent of Congress.
“But then, if something goes wrong, the president takes the heat, which is why a lot of presidents since this law came into effect have preferred Congress authorize the military hostilities,” Napolitano explained. “So, if something goes wrong, the heat is on them.”
“The question, then, is not a legal one. The president could decimate ISIS tomorrow. Military personnel have stated it could be done in 90 days, and certainly in 180 days.”
Napolitano said the questions are: Does Obama have the political will to take military action? Or, does he prefer Congress takes the political heat? And can it be done in an election year?
Napolitano concluded, “Bottom line: This is up to the personal will and courage of the most unmilitary-like president of the modern era.”
Obama vs ISIS, cage match love it
Bigbird says:
“For 20+ years, President Obama sat in a church pew listening to the ramblings of Jeremiah Wright, a Jew-hating, white-hating, America-hating,black nationalist. The President lied and said that he didn’t listen to Wright for 20+ years. That church’s theology embraces Islam, Christianity, and any other religion, all in the name of black nationalism. For over a year, the American people were warned about the radical mindset of Obama before he ever took an oath to be President. Still, they went ahead and elected him, and in the process, sealed their own demise.”
Obama got in the White House through voter fraud! America never elected him one time for anything not even Senator! He’ll keep the Senate in Nov more than likely with voter fraud too. Search on youtube for a video called “We will not be silenced” and listen to Democrat Poll workers tell how Obama used voter fraud to beat Hillary Clinton for the Presidential nomination in 2008. They were shocked and they tell how he did it.
For 20+ years, President Obama sat in a church pew listening to the ramblings of Jeremiah Wright, a Jew-hating, white-hating, America-hating,black nationalist. The President lied and said that he didn’t listen to Wright for 20+ years. That church’s theology embraces Islam, Christianity, and any other religion, all in the name of black nationalism. For over a year, the American people were warned about the radical mindset of Obama before he ever took an oath to be President. Still, they went ahead and elected him, and in the process, sealed their own demise.
Do you think this Muslim is going to do anything to “decimate” the ISIS?? Not in this lifetime!! He went to see Stonehedge today instead of ALL of the crisises building worldwide! Just another VACATION for this fraud!! Congress had better get him out of office or they will lose their jobs in November!!
why would barry attackhes own people isis is c.i.a. and needed for the next executive order dont be conned mujabideen was the group in lybia and no ones heard that name since 1983 russia afghan war were all this started history kadaffi was the dollar but the crew c.i.a.
He , Obama is being therow
Obama is NOT going to ANYTHING AT ALL except play golf! He has no spine!
BO needs to Disappear !!