The Washington Times published an article by Judge Andrew Napolitano last year titled:
Hillary’s Secret War
Clinton approved arms for terrorist enemies of the United States
After reviewing hundreds of pages of documents and emails dealing with Hillary’s tenure as secretary of state, the judge has come to believe beyond any doubt that she has committed treason.
Are you paying attention????? our Idiot in the White House, along with Holder, are directly responsible for providing the weapons used to slaughter hundreds of Mexicans………and the Liberal press says NOTHING! Treasonous!
A traitor running for president. Only in America folks!
The Judge is so right
of course the filthy$#%&!@*did and has to be shot for treason along withg her$#%&!@*buddy obummer
I love how people can make accusations with no evidence.
I’m still waiting for one of these AR-15 to show up as one of those sold by Barrack Hussein, and Eric Holder (FAST AND FURIOUS) to the drug dealers in Mexico, who then sold some to the Terrorists killing people in the US today. Once this Happens both of these @#$%^&* need thrown into Guantanamo and put into seclusion till the day they grow old OH well you know the rest.
Convict her!!! Crimes against America
You bitch
obama is responsible for the murders in Orlando. hillary will see to it nothing changes. Is this really what we want to see on the news daily? Worse do we want it to be about our own loved ones in our neighborhoods? Close the borders til we can make sure people entering are NOT a threat and send the ones that are here on expired visas etc. back to their country.