“Hillary has killed hundreds of thousands of people with her stupidity,” Donald Trump said on Fox New’s Varney & Co. Trump believes that Hillary is the worst Secretary of State the United States has ever had and “she talks about me being dangerous?”
The context for which Hillary Clinton is the worst Secretary of State is being played out in an Arizona District Court where an American defense contractor, Marc Turi, is standing trial for violating the arms control export act by making false statements.
Hillary decided to break the law by allowing U.S. arms dealers to “violate the U.N. arms embargo” and provide weapons to Libyan rebels whom Hillary hoped would ultimately take over and run the government.
The rest of the story can be found on the next page.
Why is she allowed to run for president? Seriously! Even just with allegations like that!
Well you know Obama is fighting that because he was involved in to !
Throw away the key!
The reason, Sylvia, is they are brainwashed and actually believe she would be better because of “white guilt”. They believe the U.S. is a bad country just as Rev. Wright said “America’s chickens have come home to roost.” These people don’t feel like you do about the country because they have been fed garbage about it and taught to hate the country. They are looking at it through nightmarish glasses and don’t want to know the truth because it Does’t suite their agenda.
Prison. She looks great in a hijib.
Yeah how about the 1.7 billion that was paid out of the tax payers fund ! How is it our government always seems to make deals with other countries that ends up costing us billions of dollars ! Maybe if it came from their own pockets and retirement funds they wouldn’t be so eager to throw it away ! It’s time to start making them suffer and help pay for their their own mistakes!
Not true!
That will never happen……they know too many people in high places!