Judge Jeannie Pirro asks why the sudden BLM concern for the desert tortoise?
Armed troops and snipers are useful for land-grabs, not necessary for moving some cattle.
Pirro reminds us of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s real motives in his attempted land grab using the Bureau of Land Management and their armed thugs.
Photo: YouTube
Why is
I would not waste puke on dirty Harry
She is awesome!!!!!
Harry Reid is just another democrate criminal using his position to break whatever laws he wants.
The guy has to be one of them senile out of touch douche….why don’t they ever go away, the free rides are too much to give up!
Judge Jeannie for President
She rocks!!
Wasn’t it about 6 months the BLM was trying to destroy the desert tortoise?
I love listening to her. I bet Dirty Harry hates her for telling the truth.
reid is a crimnal and a communist terrorist. so shove a couple 3 of them turtles up his ass and send him to africa in a rowboat