Another spot-on commentary by Judge Jeanine as she rips into the lies, corruption and scandal of Obama and his administration surrounding the VA.
Obama did know of this situation back in 2007 and his “remedy” only caused deaths and corruption, which is indicative of the entire administration. Everyone knew what was going on.
The following charges should be brought against Obama, Holder and everyone surrounding this horrific situation, according to the judge:
Criminally Negligent Homicide
Involuntary Manslaughter
Falsifying Records
Obstruction of Justice
Tampering with Evidence
Obstruction by Intimidation of Whistleblowers
Treason too!
Get em judge same with Benghazi holds true, fast and ferious, boter fruad. Just to name a few more.
She’s right,,,,especially seniors,,We were warned !!
Is’nt it a little weird that everytime there is a scandal like the Va scam, Ovomit comes up with a diversion like the Berghdad which is a bigger scandal ?? Smoke and mirrors ..
You are so very correct. Currently we have the VA, the Benghazi investigation etc and then of course here comes the Bergdahl debacle…
I support Judge Jeanine. She speaks the TRUTH!!
Good for her!
All I got to say is, let’s get this done.
same thing hitler did only he helped make the death happen that will come after they get the death lists done
Talk, talk, talk. That’s all that ever happens. I want action now!