Another spot-on commentary by Judge Jeanine as she rips into the lies, corruption and scandal of Obama and his administration surrounding the VA.
Obama did know of this situation back in 2007 and his “remedy” only caused deaths and corruption, which is indicative of the entire administration. Everyone knew what was going on.
The following charges should be brought against Obama, Holder and everyone surrounding this horrific situation, according to the judge:
Criminally Negligent Homicide
Involuntary Manslaughter
Falsifying Records
Obstruction of Justice
Tampering with Evidence
Obstruction by Intimidation of Whistleblowers
Would she make a great supreme court justice or what!
What a WOMAN!!!
I hope she is watching her back.
You’ve got that right!!!
They said it from the very beginning when it was in talking stages Death Panels.
Neither Obama or Holder are doing their jobs, So why don’t our great politicians FIRE THEM BOTH???????????????????? WE THE PEOPLE DEMAND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Obama has declared war on all Military that is not Islamic based. He will have you killed if you do not convert to Islam.
Told you So….
Sock it to him, Judge J!!!
She has summed it up but they will always come up with an excuse to justify their actions. I THINK THERE SHOULD BE AN INVESTIGATION.If one of my family had died you can bet I would still be raising holy hell.