Another spot-on commentary by Judge Jeanine as she rips into the lies, corruption and scandal of Obama and his administration surrounding the VA.
Obama did know of this situation back in 2007 and his “remedy” only caused deaths and corruption, which is indicative of the entire administration. Everyone knew what was going on.
The following charges should be brought against Obama, Holder and everyone surrounding this horrific situation, according to the judge:
Criminally Negligent Homicide
Involuntary Manslaughter
Falsifying Records
Obstruction of Justice
Tampering with Evidence
Obstruction by Intimidation of Whistleblowers
He will kill us off one bye one
don’t they have lawyers in the White House that should be advising what is right and what is wrong and what if unlawful etc?
Sounds like Germany during WWII!
Keep on talking against this criminal we call POTUS.
She is a judge. Couldn’t she do something besides sit up on her soap box and spout off to make money and look pretty on TV??
Judge Jeanine, do you not know about the soon to be collapse of the American dollar and the failure of America? Have you also had your head in the sand? Maybe July 1 2014 are soon after? Our government does not want the people to know about this. They have spent us into oblivion and there is no recovering.
it’s a tax….money for something else
Obama knew in 07? When the guy you voted for was president?
Watch your back Judge…these people are dangerous…but great job, nice to see someone has brass
Less talk and more action.