“Did Barack Obama lie his way into the White House, and if so, has a fraud been committed…against you?” asks Judge Pirro, in her ever-brilliant commentary.
Obama lied about Benghazi, lied about Obamacare and proved he is completely incompetent regarding foreign affairs.
“It’s embarrassing to watch you on the world stage as Putin outsmarts you at every turn” she continued. “Here’s the problem: President Putin has a vision of Russian exceptionalism and you trash American exceptionalism. …and day by you do everything in your power to make sure we aren’t (exceptional)”
She ends stating that because Obama has committed fraud in lying to Americans that his presidency should be considered ‘null and void’, as is any contract where one party has committed fraud.
I agree with this..and it should make anything an I mean ANYTHING that he done null an void…that would get rid of all the problems in one fell swoop
HE IS A LIAR!! He lied to Bill O’Reilly !! What about the IRS keeping people from voting!! What about his phony Birth Certificate!! Donald Trump is correct – he is not American born!! He is a fraud. All the idiots voted for him TWICE!! My husband and I did NOT . Not because we are “die hard conservatives” , but because we watched every debate and Fox News and CNN and weighed everything out for ourselves with our own brains!!
we all can say impeachment, but who will really do it befor the moron is out of office
You got it right Garrey!! talk is cheap–actions speak louder than words. do I believe he was born in the USA NO NO NO
He has lied about every thing he. Has done.
Impeach Obama, the muslim terrorist fraud, and repeal everything he has done! Then put him and all his regime in prison for life!
Judge Jeanine Pirro for President 2016….she could take the air out of Hillary’s sails!
Obama, has Lied from Day one, in the White House and before that! What was the Purpose for Him to have all His Records Sealed? Obama, wanted the Information, on him to be hid from the American public. He came in like a sheep, and he is like a Raving Wolf against the American People! He is a Traitor to our Country!
Why aren’t the republican so-called “leaders” calling out Obama on this stuff? Then I might consider becoming a republican again.
yes he Did Lie on Everything to get him self in the White House and yes there A Fraud Committed and sense he has been in there he has been lieing about everything, so what will it take to get him out of there and take him to court and then to jail?