In her usual spot on diatribe, Judge Jeanine rips apart the primary instigators that have created a climate of hate towards police, which has led to the recent execution of police in New York.
NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio, Attorney General Eric Holder, Al ‘tax cheat’ Sharpton and President Obama all get the verbal spankings they deserve.
Too bad they aren’t all sitting in her court awaiting sentencing.
What the hell is that thing on the head of that woman standing next to the arrogant racist p***k???
Ignorance and the need to be in the limelight are not good for those who feel they are not being treated fairly!!
lenins usefull idiots..
this is so true.
Right on Judge!!
That lady on the right should be in jail for that hairdo!!
Judg Pirro is right on. She is totally awsome.
Good for her. Bring them ALL before her in her courtroom.
I cannot believe they proclaim fame to this.
The person to Al’s right, is that a hat or her hair? Good Lord I don’t want to know.