In her usual spot on diatribe, Judge Jeanine rips apart the primary instigators that have created a climate of hate towards police, which has led to the recent execution of police in New York.
NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio, Attorney General Eric Holder, Al ‘tax cheat’ Sharpton and President Obama all get the verbal spankings they deserve.
Too bad they aren’t all sitting in her court awaiting sentencing.
And beautiful to boot
every time i scroll down i have to look at “AL” & his mouth is always open, duct tape anyone!!!
What can you expect from Fox News?
The only reason they will never impeach Obama is Biden would be the President. Which most agree he is a real crazy man. However I been ready since his first day in office for it.
lol you must like it when cops are killed. you also must be a libtard to not like fox. if you are a libtard then go back to sleep and get all the free stuff and live under communist and muslim rule.
All three are sorry Democrat and communist
Sharpton is a moron who can’t put a complete sentence together. Why do people listen to him. He is going to start a civil war that the blacks can not win. Period!
All the riots are brought on by these people….when they need help ….Please, nobody show up for any one of them!!!
They did propagate bad feelings towards all policemen.
You go judge !