In her usual spot on diatribe, Judge Jeanine rips apart the primary instigators that have created a climate of hate towards police, which has led to the recent execution of police in New York.
NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio, Attorney General Eric Holder, Al ‘tax cheat’ Sharpton and President Obama all get the verbal spankings they deserve.
Too bad they aren’t all sitting in her court awaiting sentencing.
Everything she said is true. The people she mentioned have blood on their hands no matter how much they use words to hide it.
You tell them Judge, but we all know they will not listen to logic or reason, they are liberals.
Lets stop talking.. let’s act. Does anyone have horses
Danny McNeil i choose to serve God too. And i feel ive been ordained with a mission. A mission to take America back for God.
Who’s with me?!?
them blue helmets will make a good target and every thing I have will take it right of with their head.
Its not a race thing for me! I hate everyone equally!
I absolutely cannot stand the sight of Al Sharpton! Sharpton is a race baiter and hoping for a race war!
Will probably be really surprised at what comes out of all of this racism. Hasn’t been happening for years until this administration.
Can anyone train patriots to fight for God and take our country back? We need war chieftans. Does anyone have any war chieftan experience? Eve Eve McClellan??
i’m sorry, but these people have serious mental problems!