In her usual spot on diatribe, Judge Jeanine rips apart the primary instigators that have created a climate of hate towards police, which has led to the recent execution of police in New York.
NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio, Attorney General Eric Holder, Al ‘tax cheat’ Sharpton and President Obama all get the verbal spankings they deserve.
Too bad they aren’t all sitting in her court awaiting sentencing.
sharpton and methusulla—the snake head
I do like Judge Jeanine – she tells the unvarnished truth.
Boy what a lineup! Not a brain in the bunch!
No one on here believes people hate cops because they kill people indiscriminately?
It’s all because of these idiots?
Btw, didn’t Fox News just get busted for re-editing a protesters speech to say “kill all cops”… Instead of what the protester actually said,”people should not kill cops”….
Or is everyone on here just an idiot?
Wish she’d run for President
Prez Obama appointed Sharpton to go to Ferguson. Joining him was C.A.I.R. Black Panthers, Anonymous Occupy group, and other haters who wanted not only to Protest but to Riot, destroy, burn, hurt others. Obama Admin has been fueling the race hate riots since Trayvon Martin. Even instructed schools NOT to punish black kids who did wrong anymore.
I love the take no prisoners attitude. Another real American.Bob.
We can only hope when the next 2yrs. are over a real American is POTUS and jail the current one for the crimes he has committed while in office.Bob.
And she should because it’s true