In her usual spot on diatribe, Judge Jeanine rips apart the primary instigators that have created a climate of hate towards police, which has led to the recent execution of police in New York.
NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio, Attorney General Eric Holder, Al ‘tax cheat’ Sharpton and President Obama all get the verbal spankings they deserve.
Too bad they aren’t all sitting in her court awaiting sentencing.
Liberral dunnies.
Impact won’t work.the republichickens not gonna do a thing anyway
I agree.
no truer words were ever spoken we know they did this they are racists
very true your doing a great job Judge.
Doesn’t mean we need to ignore the cops who are enforcing the law inappropriately. Like choking a man to death!?!? I hate that it is being looked over now. Hate that possible good cops are dying too, but I think the best thing we can do is get both sides of the story,(full story), then form an opinion. At this point you either anti cop or anti black, n I think it’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.
cops should refuses to go into black neighborhoods. Let the trash kill each other and police themselves!!!!!!
Not really sure that’s a woman.
She is so right on!
What fun if the camera that was taking that picture was a flame thrower instead