In her opening statement last night, Judge Jeanine Pirro blasted Obama’s illegal executive action on immigration.
She deftly outlines the illegality of his actions, its consequences for America and the absurdity of how it will actually be carried out.
Why is this woman not our President?
obama is lawless and anti constitutional. he needs to be removed immediately he is no president
obama is more dangerous than all enemies we have ever faced
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go drink your kool aid and watch your cartoons idiot. you are one those stupid idiots gruber was talking about
So people don’t come through our oceanic borders…yeah I should have said ports…but you still didn’t answer my question why?
well said
Harry Truman would have just loved that woman to death. She is as ou9spoken as he was… I love her!!!! Obama you narcissistic idiot, to bad you do not know how much you are hated by this country you are trying to ruin, and that is an Americans opinion…
Ronald Reagan On Immigration: “I Believe In The Idea Of …
Sep 08, 2011 · Ronald Reagan On Immigration: “I Believe In The Idea Of Amnesty … From the speech.
obama is not making decisions that benefit America. IMPEACH obama!
Obama is the worst man on earth