Judge Jeanine Pirro stated in her Opening Statement on Sunday that Barack Obama knew that the current surge of illegal immigrants was coming 2 years ago.
“Obama is intentionally using the immigration crisis as an excuse to change the demographics and ultimately the electorate of this nation,” she states.
well duh
He is a toxin….this man belongs in jail.
not only did he know he planned the whole damn thing
Sure he did
Scott Larock Builtfordtough you are the only one so far
who speaks with wisdom. they hav fought him all the way…its bad
more than a million deported on his term in office..u still not happy you people r so so dum
very simple…have proof you were born a us ctizen or you dont vote…period.
…I hope someone assassinates his worthless Treasonous ASS!!
He knew, does anyone out there need to have all this explained.
Oh yeah, he INVITED them to come and ran online ads for attorneys, escorts, and others to help processing and caring for them. With OUR MONEY. Even now, he keeps asking Congress for more money to pay for deporting them, while he has no plans to deport any of them. He is using that money to give them free food and medical care, and to bus them into communities in the middle of the night.