Fox News’ Judge Jeanie Pirro opened her show this week by warning Americans about what she considers the “biggest danger to our country.”
The danger, she explains, stems from the GOP establishment — the people who once said that could never support Donald Trump. These “NeverTrumpers” once threatened to take down their own nominee and hand the election to Hillary Clinton, but most seemed to back down last minute, as Trump ultimately captured a similar percentage of Republican voters as his predecessors. In fact, after all the talk of a Republican exodus, Clinton performed worse among her own party than Trump did his.
This appeared to be good news for Trump — and considering Trump now resides in the White House, it probably was — but even though he got their vote, the threat posed by the GOP elite hasn’t gone away. In fact, they may be the main force threatening the Trump administration, according to Pirro.
Watch Pirro explain the plot the elitists have hatched on the next page:
GOP RINOs need to be kicked out they need to go to prison for treason!
We will fight them
Snowflakes haven’t you had enough of the establishment politician isn’t time to stop fighting, isn’t time to stop hating, and isnt it time to start listening and
isnt it time to try something new ,.? isnt it time to stop hating, ?why do you hate so much? did you grow up hating it sure seems that way?!
Bilderberg Members
Oh hell no! So afraid that they will be found out!!
That’s why we voted for Trump.
Lived in CA since 80 and NEVER has my candidate won. :'( :'(
No doubt about it!
McCain among others.