Fox News’ Judge Jeanie Pirro opened her show this week by warning Americans about what she considers the “biggest danger to our country.”
The danger, she explains, stems from the GOP establishment — the people who once said that could never support Donald Trump. These “NeverTrumpers” once threatened to take down their own nominee and hand the election to Hillary Clinton, but most seemed to back down last minute, as Trump ultimately captured a similar percentage of Republican voters as his predecessors. In fact, after all the talk of a Republican exodus, Clinton performed worse among her own party than Trump did his.
This appeared to be good news for Trump — and considering Trump now resides in the White House, it probably was — but even though he got their vote, the threat posed by the GOP elite hasn’t gone away. In fact, they may be the main force threatening the Trump administration, according to Pirro.
Watch Pirro explain the plot the elitists have hatched on the next page:
Judge Jennie said it was the Republicans that is working to to take Trump down to put there favorite son back in power..
we want to get rid of those OLD career politicians
Except for us deplorables, who’s not trying to take him down?
I’m HOPING the Trump administration will get a handle on that.
People they are doing this behind closed doors. Trying to destroy our Government . We can not let them do it ! we must stand together when the time comes.
I knew that as soon as the President won the election! A lot of corrupt republicans that need to go or they’ll find someway to get at him!
Establishment really has any political affiliation they are whores for the globalist elite and you know globalist can’t have a Trump presidency!! America stand with your President because he’s going to need all the help he can get!
Both parties are full of corruption and could care less about our country or it’s people, they are the ultimate evil!!!
Time for the voters to remove them all.
That is why I now trash every financial support request from the RNC. I contributed to the Trump Campaign to help get him elected. Now the deceitful RNC Elitists want me to contribute money while the likes of McCain, McConnell, Ryan, Graham, and others keep attacking President Trump from within the party. No way!