After Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez’ shooting spree in Chattanooga President Obama still won’t admit that followers of radical Islam at home want to kill Americans. He employs soft terms like “heartbreaking circumstance” instead of calling things as they are. This was an intentional massacre, pure and simple.
It was carried out by a naturalized Jordanian muslim from a wealthy family who stated his intent to kill Americans. How badly has President Obama failed his country? Judge Jeanine explains in a fiery video clip after the break:
Awesome job judge. I thank you for speaking out in defence of my brothers and sisters in arms but I am sure you are well aware that this administrations main purpose is the installation of muslim control and the ultimate destruction of our country as we know it . I also fear that voting and complaining is far to little to late . We need to take back the country and restore cons$#%&!@*utionall law and morality . I served this country in the Navy for a hitch and in the army national guard for a combined eight years. I love my country but I am ashamed of the anti American sentiments that is Washington today and if it continues much longer , I am afraid there will be no turning back .
Praying for a miracle at this point.
He doesn’t care what she or anyone else says. He’s going to keep doing what HE wants. Not what is good for America!
No one is going to do a thing because they are all afraid of him!
This all started back in 1992 with Clinton. Disgusting!
Just another reality no nothing……trying to get her anonymous face on TV or Internet
Well said
Daniel Hays you beat me to it
Too right
I have listened to her! She sounds tough — but she backs down~