Reporters from various sources have been continually making claims that not only is President Obama encouraging illegal immigration, he’s actually helping the smuggling process, using his various federal departments to do it.
“We just got out of federal custody… we’ve been there for 2 hours,” Biggs said.
Despite previously getting approval from both border patrol and law enforcement to be in the area, federal wildlife officers – known to be Obama’s attack dogs on the border – ordered the crew to put their hands up after encountering them filming a report.
It all makes sense, if you consider the president’s catch and release policies, the transportation of illegal immigrants by the DHS and the reports that military law enforcement is working with cartels. The lines all seem very blurry. Situations like this only prove how much America needs Donald Trump.
Federal Wildlife officers arresting reporters, but not arresting illegals fro crossing the border? What is wrong with this picture? This is Obama at his finest.
They don’t want the truth to get out. That they are letting the illegals come across.
Trump will clean house!
Criminals theses Red coats(Feds). Only trust Blue coats (county)
Report all UN ( Arab) Islam is illegal in USA. Arab totalitarian government. Against our laws and constitution..
Besides what this fraudulent government wants.
And so it begins….Do you really still want democrats in charge….Think about the shape of our country,what they have done
That’s cause they don’t want them reporting on the illegal stuff and people coming over the borders
Police state
How stupid.
What bs?
The actions of the democrats, no doubt starting in the Oval Office.