Jorge Ramos’ head must have felt like a used piñata after outspoken conservative columnist Ann Coulter delivered a blow after blow of truth regarding the argument of America taking in millions upon millions of Mexicans under the pretense of diversity.
While Obama and the left charges amnesty detractors with being hypocritical because America is a ‘nation of immigrants’, Coulter brilliantly destroys this notion.
All she did was guarantee the Hispanic vote for Hillary in 2016. If you wonder why we don’t vote for you morons, this is why.
If you wonder why you are morons this is why. The second you become citizens you have to pay taxes, now if people being paid higher than you can barely afford to make it, thanks to the wonderful government supposedly helping them, than what chance do you bunch of dumb $#%&!@*es have
This Lady is stupid, there was America and Americans they are call Natives. Sorry but most of them were killed!!
Really??? Shes a vile $#%&!@*! Shes ridiculous and a crappy human!!
she is the smartest woman in america, tells em straight.
Except son, that native Americans are immune to a lot of things we pay today, and actually get paid way more by us..than say anyone else.
The freeloading dirtbag law breakers will turn this country into the 5th world, backwards $#%&!@*holes they come from… They are invaders, not immigrants and should be treated as such. They have no respect for our country, heritage or laws. They are s$#%&!@*. Go ahead and keep voting Dem and RINO GOP, America. We don’t close our borders now, kick out all illegals and take away the freebies, there will not be an America in another generation. You can’t have a welfare state and no borders. Imminent collapse.
she right but obama is bring his goat F;ing muhammad people in
Obama and the UN are bringing in at least 100,000 muslims into the USA this year … The FBI can not vet them records …So who knows what and who are coming in ……Terrorist ….? or just Colonization where we have to feed, cloth, provide medical care , house , educate and put up with them wanting sharia law and not $#%&!@*imilating into our culture. Put up with their war on Christians , Jews, Gays and freedom of speech . I say NO NO we are in debt and cannot afford more dependents. Let them go to a country more to their liking .Iran can take them in .
Agree or disagree she has the right to speak her mind and not be silenced by political correctness