The face of Ted Cruz has been painted as one that stands for the people, but much fail to recognize the relationships and connections that make it impossible for him to actually fulfill any of the promises he plans to make if elected into office.
According to Infowars, with Republican demand to beat Hilary Clinton, and the Democrats for the final election, it is clear that many Republicans have fallen into the illusion that Cruz is a libertarian or renegade outsider — in reality he is nothing more than a “neocon insider.“
Cruz’s contradictions to his own policies like education reform, tax reform, health care reform, and many others may leave this nation bound to repeat another four years of the same agenda we have been seeing since the Bush administration.
Find out more on page 2.
If he is a Neocon…surely his actions promote our liberty …not seen any one else fight for us and our bill of rights. You trust Hillary or Sanders?
Ted Cruz is slime! Amazing how people can’t read people. People lack intuition as well as common sense. Really! If a politician is backed by a super pac! You know it is not in our best interest! Duh!!!! These super pac’s are out to push a agenda to make money for themselves at our expense! Wake up foolish people!
I wouldn’t vot for Cruz as I believe he does dirty tricks, such as the Carson affair.
Unfollowing…. There is not a shred of evidence to support any of the claims against Cruz other than the lies that come out of trumps mouth and then regurgitated by the ignorant trumpateers
No evidence?! There are none so blind as they who will not see. Crud Cruz is a ruse & has rused many people. the evidence is all there.
People are on a mob frenzy
Ted is merely another pawn so be careful