The biggest conspiracy theorist out there, Alex Jones of Infowars, issued an emergency alert today claiming that he has had 2 calls by “extremely prominent, wealthy people” asking him why he isn’t leaving the United States before October.
Jones claims that these 2 individuals also state that high-ranking military officials and other insiders have already fled the country.
Take a look at the video on the following page and decide for yourself.
What did the forefathers do? What did they instruct us to do when this predicted by them situation occurred?
It was gonna happen by last Oct. Ron Paul talks about financial crisis and then wants your money …what a guy!
You people that claim to know God seriously have no clue. God does not judge or punish or have anger or wrath or any other mere human emotion. That just shows your lack of understanding of life and how things really are. You’re like a bunch of 6 year olds…it’s pathetic.
@[1410164203:2048:Mark Guetterman], u should read more about this guy. He’s an idiot. Google him, u will get a good laugh.
The question is… are YOU prepared for what is coming? The last really big collapse was in 2008, this is seven years later and if one bothers to read books like The Harbinger and The Mystery of the Sh’mita, then one KNOWS what is coming! If you haven’t already stocked up on some groceries, some HARD money (not paper junk) etc… you have about 2 months to get ready… If the writer of those 2 books is correct, It’s about to get really ugly out there… like we haven’t seen since the Great Depression.
WARNING – this site started loading files onto my system almost immediately as I clicked that link…
I got 8,465 rounds for 2 x 9 mm and AR 15, bring it punks.
Well , I watched this 30 min ago ,strange