The biggest conspiracy theorist out there, Alex Jones of Infowars, issued an emergency alert today claiming that he has had 2 calls by “extremely prominent, wealthy people” asking him why he isn’t leaving the United States before October.
Jones claims that these 2 individuals also state that high-ranking military officials and other insiders have already fled the country.
Take a look at the video on the following page and decide for yourself.
We are walking in the last days of the ‘end of the ages.’ Just as was prophesied over 2,000 years ago. America had to be brought down because Israel had to stand alone. The pieces of the puzzle are falling into place and Israel is the key. Sept will hold some surprises for us. The end of the 4 blood moons that fall on a Jewish holiday and the end of the 7 year period (I am not Jewish and do not understand it all) but at the end of that 7 year period God either awards or punishes. We do not deserve any rewards, so feel the punishment is coming.
@[100000592310094:2048:James Tindall]
good. They shouldn’t let the door bang their butt on the way out. We;ll be better off without them.
Buy more ammo. Bob
Naturally they will flee, they can’t be here when the stuff really hits the fan, they would be gunned down like the terrors they are.
This nation was to be a REPUBLIC. I pledge to a REPUBLIC. Take the Democratic part of this nation and stuff it where the sun can’t shine. I am awake, my eyes are open, I know which party is the party of hate and terrorism. The sun will rise and set because the Creator wills it to be so. The sky is unable to fall, nations are not unable to fall. History proves when you lose your morals you fail. Take a good look around you, Bruce.
Congress has allowed itself to become corrupted and helped more than anyone wants to admit.
Doesn’t make it less true.
Congress allows it.