The biggest conspiracy theorist out there, Alex Jones of Infowars, issued an emergency alert today claiming that he has had 2 calls by “extremely prominent, wealthy people” asking him why he isn’t leaving the United States before October.
Jones claims that these 2 individuals also state that high-ranking military officials and other insiders have already fled the country.
Take a look at the video on the following page and decide for yourself.
@[100009196003494:2048:Gary Holtz]
@[1244775685:2048:Andrew Gillen]
People read your bibles if you have one. Even if you don’t believe in God you might find some surprising similarities with what is happening now.
This type of war mongering wouldnt even phase people if they had what they know most dont have. Faith.
I see far too many signs of impending disaster. Check out over $100,000 mansions listed for sale.
This guy starts off with the cl$#%&!@*ic reasoning why we should believe him story. So tired of this guys BS, crackpot serves as a terrible understatement of this guys views on what’s happening.
we’ll just convert to zim notes
We are in hopeless debt, something is bound to happen
Why are people bagging on the wealthy for leaving? Their Government is screwing them just like they are you. I’d do the same thing with the same resources and if they are close to God I’m not sure why he would go “find them” ?
I gotta admit. Political Correctness, do nothing Congresses, and Obama are causing this country to go down the tubes.
IF WE TALK ABOUT IT ENOUGH, MAYBE WE CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN.!!! That would probably make George Soros and 45 million democrats happy!!
But truthfully, Markets are supposed to crash on 7/15/15 because the government was going to have its capital for propping up the market cut off.
FORTUNATELY, the Republicans in Congress EXTENDED the use of government capital for supporting the market until 7/15/16 so there SHOULD NOT be any concern until at least then.