The biggest conspiracy theorist out there, Alex Jones of Infowars, issued an emergency alert today claiming that he has had 2 calls by “extremely prominent, wealthy people” asking him why he isn’t leaving the United States before October.
Jones claims that these 2 individuals also state that high-ranking military officials and other insiders have already fled the country.
Take a look at the video on the following page and decide for yourself.
He slags the media off but is still part of it.the end!!!!!
Why? How?
We know It starts in Oct Jesus Said Pray that it don’t start in the winter
I fully agree, it completely logical they have had since the sixties to pollute the minds of the youth, they have had since then to conduct the war on poverty, spending trillions. To make a subset of the population completely dependent on government for their complete survival. This make them completely controllable to use as an army. At the same time they have grown the size of government to a staggering size, and now their arming and equipping to control the rest. They have kept to borders open so we can be flooded with undesirables to starve us out. And to add to their army against patriots. Then prest “O” change “O” we are a completely communist country with the very rich and the very poor slave cl$#%&!@*.
You bet we need to get on with it I’m not getting any younger.
adios suckers.
Thanks to Alex Jones and the two persons who informed him. I already suspected this.
it’s very sad what Obama has done to America & it’s people, just whittling away at us for all the wrong reasons. Her’s a perpetuator & is sticking to his Agenda of Divide & Conquer. He has shamed our country & yet there he is President of the United States of America. very sad days indeed…
good then no one will have to pay there credit cards no
This is scary!!!!
Economy on Skids